Feedly allows you to organize all your favorite blogs, news sites, podcasts and Youtube channels and access them all in one place and you can or migrate your Google Reader account. I haven't added a lot of new items since I made the switch, but for the few I have added, I am very happy with the simple ease with which this program works.
Another pleasant surprise about Feedly is how fast it works. Photos in the blogs I follow load lightening fast and it gives you 4 options for how you want your items to load.
The Basic Title View |
The Magazine View which is great for my iPad |
The Cards View - which is kinda cool |
And the Full Article View |
Another great feature is the many Preferences that you can easily set to customize how you view the world from your Feedly.
Start Page
Which page
would you like feedly to load when you start feedly ? Tips: You can also
bookmark any feedly page and jump back to that page directly.
Default View
Change the view setting of all category and feed pages at once.
Categories With No Updates
Use this knob to hide the categories with no updates in the left navigation panel.
Featured Articles
Feedly can
curate and feature articles based on how popular they are on Google+ and
Facebook. Do you want to see featured articles at the top of the
magazine view?
Giant Mark As Read
Should feedly show a giant mark as read button at the end of each list to make it easier to mark content as read?
Auto-Mark As Read On Scroll
Should feedly automatically mark articles as read when you scroll through them
Header font
Which font should feedly use for the header of articles?
What should be the default language for the Explore and Essentials pages?
Should feedly try to optimize featured articles?
Read Links Color
What should be the color of the links for read articles?
Unread Links Color
What should be the color of the links for unread articles?
Comma delimited list of tags you would like to be able to assign to articles when you collect them for later
Pinterest Integration
Make it easy to pin images you are reading in feedly in your Pinterest boards.
Twitter Postfix
Message added to the articles you tweet in feedly.
mini toolbar
Mini Enabled?
Should feedly mini (tiny sharing toolbar located at the bottom right of the browser window) be enabled ?
Exclude List
delimited list of sites you would like feedly mini to not display on.
Based on URL pattern matching. Example: facebook,my space !important: no space before or after the commas
Bottom Spacing
At how many pixels of the bottom of the page should the feedly mini toolbar be located? The default value is 14.
side area
Facebook Newsfeed
Should feedly include a facebook newsfeed module on the homepage?
Twitter Module
Should feedly include a Twitter module on your Highlights page?
Finance Module
Which stocks would you like to track in your feed? Comma-delimited list of symbols. Empty to disable.
Confirm Mark As Read
Should we show a mark as read confirmation dialog ?
Confirm Unsubscribe
Should we show the Google Reader confirmation message when unsubscribing from feeds ?
Contextual Menu
Should feedly display a contextual menu when you select some text while reading an article? The default value is yes.
Customization Key
Special key used to customize feedly for some media organizations.
Look at all these preference and I am no longer a No Reply Blogger! I can also easily connect this to all of my social media accounts. Between all of these and the fact that you can set an individual background color, I think Feedly will work out just fine.
Have you tried a new reader and if so, which one do you prefer?
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